School Hours
The school day
The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.20pm
In EYFS, the day finishes at 3.15pm to allow parents with older children to collect the younger sibling first.
The start and end times provided show the duration of the compulsory school day.
From September 2023, the DfE set the expectation that schools provide a minimum school week of 32.5 hours. Mendip Green have always met or exceeded this.
The 32.5 hour minimum expectation includes the time in each day from the official start of the school day (i.e. morning registration) to the official end to the compulsory school day (i.e. official home time). The 32.5 hour minimum includes breaks and lunch times as well as teaching time and any extra-curricular activities that all pupils are expected to attend. It does not include optional before or after school provision.
Collective Worship
We believe in the importance of child identity and their feeling of community. With this in mind, we hold collective worship every day and this is an opportunity for children to come together and meet as different communities either key stage, year group or as a class.
Attendance Matters!
At Mendip Green Primary School we are committed to encouraging children to attend school regularly and on time. Research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and achievement in school. Poor attendance can have a direct effect on attainment and future life chances. It is vital that good habits start when children are young.
If you have any questions regarding attendance, please contact our Attendance Officer, Sarah Handcock, via the school office.