Key Stage 2
Check out our Knowledge Organisers and Curriculum Content by Key Stage as guide to what the children have been learning.
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Below are the two home learning activity sheets we sent home in work packs:
White Rose Hub WRH forms the basis of our planning in school. The WRH Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group and will be adding five more each week. Unfortunately, the worksheets to accompany the video clips are no longer available.
Times Table Rock Stars Children have full access to their TT Rockstars accounts with their username and password
ICT Games - Maths A fun interactive website that supports all areas of the Maths curriculum.
Nrich A range of fluency, problem solving and reasoning activities, printable resources and games to support maths learning at home.
Maths Frame A variety of interactive games to support the learning of maths at home.
IXL UK Online activities linked to each area of the maths curriculum.
Crickweb A variety of interactive games to support the learning of maths at home.
BBC Bitesize - Maths A variety of interactive games and clips to support the learning of maths at home. Daily lessons start from 20th April.
Math Shed Interactive resources and teaching slide to support all areas of the maths curriculum. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial.
English & Spelling
BBC Teach - Key Stage 2 English A huge bank of free classroom resources
BBC Bitesize - Key Stage 2 English A website to revise spelling, punctuation and grammar. Daily lessons will begin from 20th April.
Pobble365 An image per day of the year to inspire some creative writing.
The Literacy Shed A website of resources to inspire writing at home.
Spelling Shed Interactive spelling resources. Sign up for a free 30 day trial (this can be extended after 30 days, whilst schools remain closed)
BBC Teach The complete catalogue of resources to support learning for children aged 7 -11, including interactive games, activities and programmes.
BBC Bitesize - Key Stage 2 Daily lessons for all areas of the curriculum will begin on 20th April
BBC School Radio Learning resources for primary schools offering video, audio and downloads, covering music, dance, history, collective worship, literacy and maths
British Science Week An activity pack for Early Years (activities are on page 9, onwards)
Explorify Heaps of investigations and questions to explore. You will need to set up an account but this is free.
ThoughtCo. Fun experiments using kitchen items
The Science Museum - Kitchen Science Home science experiment ideas
NASA Learn all about NASA and Space
National Geographic Kids Interactive learning tools, games and quizzes linked to geography and science.
BBC Bitesize - Geography A useful website to revise geography learning at home. Daily lessons start from 20th April.
BBC Teach - KS2 Geography A useful website to support the learning of geography at home.
BBC Bitesize - History Use BBC to revise and research Historical topics covered so far.
3D Geography A range of printable Geography resources.
Scratch Simple programming where the children can create stories, games and animations.
BBC Dance Mat Typing A fun way to learn touch typing
Think u Know Interactive games that help children learn about how to stay safe online
BBC Teach - School Radio Audio and video resources linking areas of the curriculum through the teaching of music.
BBC Ten Pieces BBC Ten Pieces opens up the world of classical music to 7-14 year olds. Explore exciting films, lesson plans, instrumental arrangements and live events!