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Mendip Green Primary School

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The Cove (Autism Hub)

Opening in November 2021, The Cove is relatively new to Mendip Green and provides specialist provision designed for pupils who have an autism diagnosis. The Cove’s manager is Lisa House who is a SENDCo and has vast experience of working with children with Autism.


The Cove is a 10 place base and can support the needs of children from EYFS up to Year 6. Children in The Cove are also members of a mainstream class at Mendip Green. The support of this provision offers some direct individual and small group teaching in The Cove and, where appropriate, in class support in their mainstream classes, depending on the needs of the child. All children have a bespoke package, individual timetables and plans differentiated to meet their needs. The full offer for each child will be regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to provide appropriate levels of challenge and support. Training and support is also given to mainstream staff to ensure consistency in provision.


Children who attend The Cove all have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and places into the resource base are allocated through liaison with the Local Authority and outside agencies. There is a detailed admissions criteria for entry into the base which all stakeholders look at in order to allocate places accordingly. The main aim of The Cove’s provision is to equip the children with the skills and strategies to access the mainstream environment with the goal of reintegrating the children into their local mainstream school.

To find out more about The Cove, watch our information video.

