Chair of Governors: Tricia Brabham
Each school within the Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) has a Local Governing Body (LGB) who have defined delegated responsibilities. LGBs perform an essential role in providing local governance as well as providing important accountability information and local knowledge which assists to the trustees in the fulfillment of their duties.
The LGB within each school provides focused governance at a local level, working to represent the needs of their school community and using their varying skills, strengths and expertise from all walks of life to enrich the provision and governance of their school.
LGBs are made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, and the community, who have a special interest in the school and volunteer their time in undertaking the responsibilities delegated to them by the Board of Trustees. These include aspects such as: maintaining an evidenced overview of school standards and performance; assisting in budget setting; ensuring local needs are met in school strategic planning and providing support and challenge to School Leaders.
At the heart of all LGBs are the ethos and values of the MAT. LGBs are committed to ensuring that the interests of pupils are placed first and that MAT values are expressed and evident in all aspects and work of the school.
The Local Governing Body are responsible for seeing that children get the best and safest possible education at Mendip Green Primary School.
Details of our governing body can be found in the table below. A register of governor attendance at meetings and historic governance, including attendance, for the previous 12 months can be found in the documents section below.
Extend Learning Academies Network Governance Information
For information regarding the structure and remit of the members and board of trustees please click the below links:
Extend Learning Academies Network Governance
Extend Learning Academies Network Members
Extend Learning Academies Network Board of Trustees