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ELAN Curriculum Symposium - 21st May 2024


Six of our children went to Weston College for the very first ELAN Opening Worlds Symposium.

‘What is a symposium?’ you may ask. It is an opportunity to discuss and exchange knowledge, research findings, and insights on a particular topic or theme. 


For our symposium, the children had a dinner party and were joined by some special guests from the trust and wider community. They discussed their humanities learning and shared their incredible knowledge - the adults were wowed!


Following the meal, there was a quiz. This was quite possibly the most stressful 15 minutes of our lives… it was edge of the seat stuff! Out of 46 questions, the lowest score was 43. We can say with confidence that these children really, really know their stuff 🀩 


The evening ended with each child being awarded a book from their favourite humanities unit.


It was an absolutely perfect evening. The children were wonderful: so polite, so enthusiastic and so knowledgeable. Our children are so, so lucky to have been given this opportunity and we hope this becomes an annual ELAN tradition. 


A huge thank you to Weston College who made us so welcome. Our meals were made by the first year catering students and we were served by the second year students.

Big shout out to MG Alumni, Toby Moger, who was part of the catering team - it was wonderful to see him doing so well with his chosen studies πŸ‘¨‍🍳 

Year 1 Pet Show - 20th March 2024

We had a wonderful afternoon today with our annual Year 1 Pet Show.

We had pups a plenty, fantastic felines and some very popular rodents!


The children have been learning about different animals as part of their science curriculum and also have been writing about their experiences of meeting different animals. The pet show is one of several events this year which have helped children to meet different animals and learn more about them.


A huge well done to all of the precious pets who came to our pet show. They were so well behaved and the children loved meeting them.

A big thank you to all of the families who took time out their day to bring their pets to school and to talk to the children about them.

Finally, a huge well done to the children who presented their pets to us and spoke with such knowledge and love about their furry, fuzzy family members.


We judged the pets across 5 categories:
- Fluffiest Pet
- Best Behaved Pet
- Most Entertaining Pet
- Most Knowledgeable Owner
- and the prestigious ‘Dot’s Choice’ Award

All of the children who took part received a special certificate and our 5 winners received an official pet show rosette.


We cannot wait for 2025!

World Book Day - 7th March 2024

Children’s Mental Health Week - 5th and 6th February 2024 


Children’s mental health week has got off to a flying start πŸ€©πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ€©


On Monday, we focused on ‘Connect Us’. The children came to school dressed to express and at playtime they got conversations started using a selection of fun ‘would you rather?’ cards.


The theme on Tuesday was ‘Give’ and the children were encouraged to take part in simple acts of kindness like giving a smile and giving a compliment.

PTA Christmas Fair - 1st December 2023

The biggest thank you to everyone who supported us at our Christmas Fair on Friday.

Thank you to everyone who gave their time to help prepare for the evening… sticking raffle tickets to bottles, making reindeer food and SO much more!
Thank you to all of those who helped set up and tidy away.
Thank you to everyone who ran a stall during the evening, including past pupils who came back to lend a hand.
Thank you to our visitors from the North Pole (they were just brilliant).
Thank you to everyone who helped to make it snow!
But most of all, thank you to everyone who came along and battled their way through the crowds to help us fundraise for our wonderful school.


We had a blast! πŸ’₯πŸŽ„πŸ’₯ 
And we are sure you will agree, our PTA throw the BEST parties!


Most of these photos were taken BEFORE the fair… once the crowds piled in to name the elf, visit Santa, munch on a turkey role and enter a competition (or five) you could not swing an earwig!!

Children in Need - 16th November 2023


We marked Children in Need at Mendip Green, yesterday. A huge thank you for all of your donations towards this fantastic charity.
We will update you soon on how much we raised - We just need to finish counting it first!

The theme school council chose was mis-match clothing… the brighter the better. And, boy, did you deliver! 

Here is a selection of some of our favourite fashion disasters πŸ§ΈπŸ”΄πŸŸ πŸŸ‘πŸŸ’πŸ”΅πŸŸ£πŸ§Έ
We are sure you will agree that they rocked the colours, Pudsey ears and patterns. They looked quite stylish, really. Definitely future trend setters…

Remembrance - 10th November 2023


We had a wonderful Remembrance service this morning. The rain stopped so we were able to meet as a whole school under blue skies.

A massive thank you to Mr B who organised and led such a thoughtful service.

The children, as always, were ambassadors for the school, showing respect throughout.


A Simple Act of Kindness
by David Harris


A simple act of kindness
can stop a million tears. 
A little hug 
can give so much joy. 
A letter now and then to someone 
can save so many wasted years. 
We should hold every moment precious 
and help as many as we can 
with a simple act of kindness 
every now and then. 
The world would be a better place 
if we all cared a little more. 
Imagine how many smiling faces 
would greet us at the door 
if we extended that helping hand 
with a simple act of kindness 
that could spread across many lands.


Check out the link to see recordings of our service.

You will find our Remembrance 2023 Service under Special Events.


