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Mendip Green Primary School

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Charging and Remissions

At Mendip Green school no charges are made for educational activities that take place in school time however voluntary contributions are sought. When visits are arranged which involve a cost, or entertainers are invited into the school, we ask for voluntary contributions to cover part of the cost.  This system works providing the vast majority choose to contribute.  If sufficient people decided not to contribute the “extras” would become non-viable and would then have to be withdrawn.

ELAN recognises the valuable contribution that a broad programme of additional activities, trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ education. We aim to promote and provide such activities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and as additional optional activities for all pupils within ELAN. ELAN believe that all pupils should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits (curricular and extra-curricular) independent of their parents’ and carers’ financial means. This policy is intended to maintain a fair and coherent system of charges and remissions within the constraints of school budget. It also defines other circumstances where schools may seek for voluntary contributions.


Our Charging and Remissions Policy is available in the policies section of our website,

Financial benchmarking

New legislation around equalities, transparency and accountability now requires all schools to publish a direct link from their school websites to the Schools Financial Benchmarking dedicated to their school using the unique reference number allocated by the Department for Education. 


Financial benchmarking means comparing your finances with other schools and academies who have similar characteristics and challenges. Areas that schools often compare are their income, expenditure, balance and workforce with either schools of a similar size or within their local authority (LA).


Schools are now required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.   

All staff in the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (support staff).  We do not have any staff earning over £100k per annum.

