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Weekly Round Up

Whole School 2024 - 2025

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 13th January - 17th January 2025 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Writing has continued to flourish in EYFS this term! Our handwriting is improving weekly and we are so proud of the way that the children use this to independently write words and simple captions. The results are fantastic!


Year 1 have been exploring programming the Beebots to move. They have been investigating what each button does and the importance of getting their instructions just right!


Year 2 are really enjoying learning Grandma Rap in music. Coordinating the lyrics and actions whilst keeping the beat is a work in progress but we think they are sounding fabulous already!


Year 3 have started learning about measure this week. They've done lots of measuring today, including waterbottles, displays, pencil cases, their faces and even other rulers!


Year 4 are learning all about electricity. We currently learning about components in a circuit and are creating simple circuits. We were testing why a complete circuit is important.


Year 5 have been multiplying HUGE numbers in maths this week. It has been truly amazing to be part of these classes as the perseverance and determination has been nothing short of mind blowing. Everyone has worked really hard and made brilliant progress. Well done Year 5!


Year 6 have been learning about the famous explorer Ernest Shackleton. They have learned lots about his early expeditions and his life and using this information to write a biography on him.


PUPDATES: the pups have had been very busy this week with lots of visitors from EYFS. Dot had a bit of a head bump (all her fault - she was trying to inspect Mrs Stone’s lunch but head butted the desk instead). She was given a bumped head letter and a cold compress. Dot and Mouse finished the week with a game of smoosh face. By the looks of Dot’s face, Mouse was winning.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 6th January - 10th January 2025 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In our Reception classes, the children have been learning about part/part whole diagrams - the whole being the number of items you have altogether and the parts being the two amounts you can group them into e.g 5 = 3+2 or 4+1.


Year 1 have been focusing on dental health. We recognised the success of toothbrushing in Reception and are now doing this daily in Year 1 too!


Year 2 have enjoyed beginning their dance unit in PE.


This term, Year 3 are exploring shape and colour in art. This week they used the ‘show me what you see’ technique to look at a piece of Egyptian art.


Year 4 have already explored the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. They have moved on to Roman Britain. They learned about the Roman army’s invasion of Britannia and how Caratacus, the chieftain of the Catuvellauni tribe, fought back! 


Year 5 have been exploring kenning poems this week. They have created their own pieces of writing based on winter, the sea or weapons. This will help them with their writing throughout the term as they learn more about the epic tale of Beowulf!


Year 6 have been exploring how different artists show their identity in their work. This week, they picked their favourite artists - including Yinka Shonibare, Thandiwe Murui and Njideka Akunyili Crosby - and created "visual notes" of their work. This documented colour, pattern, shape and more... and it was a little bit messy!


PUPDATES: Dot has come bouncing back into school ready to take on 2025. Mouse was very enthusiastic on her first day (Friday) needed her first nap by 10am. There’s no tired like first week of school tired 🥱 


A BIG SHOUT OUT: our PTA are busy planning a bingo extravaganza! We have our first meeting on Monday.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 16th December - 20th December 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


What a wonderful last week of term we had in EYFS. The children wrote cards and letters to Santa, measured out quantities of reindeer dust as well as dancing their socks off at the disco! Merry Christmas from all the EYFS team and thank you for your continued support this term.


Year 1 have been making their own Christmas cards using the skills they have learnt in DT. They have enjoyed using moving mechanisms to make their design move.


Year 2 are learning how to divide by sharing  using bricks and drawings. They have worked so hard this term and we could not be any prouder of them!


Year 3 have enjoyed their DT unit on seasonal produce this term. They made some cakes after learning how wheat is made into flour.


Year 4 have been working hard on the narrative writing best on the book, Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. They have written about a character who goes on a voyage which changes them in a positive way. We are so pleased with how hard they have worked and the great writing they have produced.


Year 5 have said goodbye to some books they have been enjoying during guided reading this term. They have created some fantastic book reviews.


Year 6 have been producing some fantastic writing this week! They have been publishing their Wolf Brother quest stories and have been writing a set of instructions on how to steal Christmas - Grinch inspired!


PUPDATES: Dot has been very busy. She went to the Y5 Crib Service and saw behind the scenes of the latest Gavin and Stacy special… she was a bit annoyed that Uncle Bryn kicked her off her sofa and made her sit on the swivel chair instead. She punished him and Nessa by giving them the side-eye for the rest of the filming session. Dot thinks they definitely learned their lesson.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: a huge thank you to all of the adults in school who have made the final week so much fun. From Christmas parties to Christmas dinner and Mr O with his hot choc trolley, it has been a busy one but it has been a hoot. Special mention for Mr Nicholson’s festive outfits - the bacofoil trousers, elf top and beard baubles showed true commitment to the cause!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 9th December - 13th December 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Just this week in EYFS the children have started learning how to write some letters in their phonics lessons. So far, the children have worked on the letters l, i, j, u, y and t. They have concentrated so hard, especially as they have been so busy practising their Nativity to perform to their parents and carers soon.


This week, Year 1 have written letters to Santa and posted them in our special letter box! We are getting very excited now!


Year 2 have been developing their story writing skills.


The children in Year 3 are busy with their end of unit synoptic tasks. They have been applying their knowledge about mountains and their features to explain how mountains and people affect each other!


After spending a term learning about the population across Great Britain, Year 4 have been showcasing all their knowledge in the form of double page spreads. With the use of a population density map, the children answered the question, ‘How and why does population density vary across Great. Britain?’ Amazing work!


After a term learning about the Roman Empire, Year 5 have by applied their knowledge answering the question, ‘What can sources reveal about the Roman way of life.’ 


Year 6 have been composing their own percussion pieces in music in preparation for adding melodies next week. It's been rather noisy down this end of the corridor!


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse brought out their best festive knitwear for Christmas jumper day!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 2nd December - 6th December 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in EYFS… Christmas Lego, Christmas decorations, paper chains, gingerbread man designs and Christmas trees. The children have also been very busy practicing their nativity and learning all the songs.


Year 1 have had lots of fun exploring shape this week. They have been sorting them, creating shape pictures and using them to build towers.


Year 2 have really wowed us with their recall about Brunel's engineering achievements. This week they looked at his most notable designs and considered whether they had a local or a national impact.


Year 3 have been developing their football skills in PE this term. This week they were working on dribbling and passing accurately. They have been working brilliantly in teams to practise their skills and their kicks have been getting even stronger - thankfully there have been no broken windows!


Year 4 have been looking at the function of a flower in their science lessons. The children opened up flowers to observe the male and female parts that make seeds.


Year 5 and 6 have been busy creating Christmas decorations for their Christmas trees. These are now in display in St Martin’s Church as part of the Christmas Tree Festival. These children made reindeer faces, Grinches, candy canes and many other festive delights to adorn their trees.

Their finished trees look great. Watch this space for more photos of the finished trees.


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have been getting in the festive spirit. They have been getting out the decorations and met Santa. Dot and Miss Bendall have been twinning this week… it is all about the winter neutrals.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: Well done to our UWE students who have started their placements with us over the last few weeks. They have made a cracking start and have supported many of our Christmas events. 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 24th November - 29th November 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Shapes Ahoy! This week, EYFS have looked at all things shape related. They have learned their names, talked about their properties and searched for them in ‘real life’. You could call them experts!


Year 1 have been exploring old toys and comparing them to new toys. The children had so much fun exploring the different toys and comparing them to the toys they have now.


Year 2 have started sewing their hand puppets in DT. It was a bit tricky but great fun! Check out those concentrating faces 🪡 🧵 


Year 3 are learning new times tables: the 3s and the 4s. They are enjoying exploring the new times tables and related division facts.


In history, Year 4 have been fascinated by the eruption of Vesuvius. The children learnt about the stages of the volcanic eruption, starting with the cloud that appeared in the sky and ending with Pompeii being completely covered.


There was really nice atmosphere today in the library. Year 5 have found time to get lost in a good book. They have found their own books to borrow for the next few weeks.


Year 6 spent some of their Friday afternoon getting their classrooms ready for the Christmas Fair! They were such a big help.


PUPDATES: Mouse and Dot are loving that it’s time for the grotto to go up. This means one thing… Mrs Young’s squashy chairs get put in their room and they can sleep in them all day!


A BIG SHOUT OUT: a huge thank you to everyone who helped us make our Christmas fair so successful: from the incredible PTA and their hours and hours of planning and the companies that gifted us prizes for our raffle to the families who donated tombola prizes and everyone joined us for the evening.

An extra thank you to everyone who gave up time on the evening to set up, run stalls and pack away AND to the very kind and generous parent who made a MASSIVE delicious curry to help keep the busy worker bees fully fuelled. 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 18th November - 22nd November 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In our Reception classes, we have been using cooked pasta to learn how to use a knife and fork correctly. We hope that the children can apply these skills when eating their school meals, as well as at home too.


Year 1 have been looking at different moving mechanisms in DT. This week we have been learning how pivots and levers work to make our minibeasts move! 🦋🕷️


In their Jigsaw lessons, Year 2 have been talking about kindness. They have been passing the Jigsaw piece, taking turns to share their thoughts.


Year 3 have been singing call and response songs in their music lessons this term. Check out the comments to hear their performance.


Year 4 have been practising their sewing skills. This week, the children tried a running stitch and over stitch. They all tried really hard and know practice makes the world of difference.


Whoever said that November was too early for Christmas songs clearly haven't heard Year 5! We are well and truly underway with singing practice for our crib service in December. Every spare minute is filled with singing


Year 6 have been developing their woodwork skills this week in DT! They have been learning to clamp, saw, sand and drill into wood.


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have both been busy hearing readers this week which meant lots of cosy sofa time.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: Thank you to everyone who has been answering our pleas for help and donations. You are making a world of difference ❤️ 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 11th November - 15th November 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In EYFS, the children have started daily toothbrushing. They have lots of fun brushing along to the 2 minute songs!


Year 1 have been practicing their throwing and rolling skills in P.E this week, using a range of different sized balls.


Year 2 have been using base 10 to support their subtraction calculations with two 2 digit numbers this week.


Year 3 took part in their first debate this week. They had to decide whether Roz (from Wild Robot) should help the gosling or not. They used persuasive phrases to present their points and then wrote what they would do personally in their books.


In Year 4, children learn the ukulele. It has been Class 13’s turn first. They have worked so hard and we are so impressed with all the progress they've made in such a short amount of time. Classes 14 and 15 have been peering in as they walk past the classroom and are eagerly awaiting their turn later in the year!


In Year 5, we have begun our visual media block in computing and had great fun experimenting with different camera angles. We made ourselves tall, played with slow motion and made exaggerated faces with a close ups.


Year 6 have been continuing their learning about the Romans in history - this week, they have discovered many amazing things about the cunning Augustus, nephew of Julius Caesar! Look at this amazing writing!


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have slept their way through a PTA meeting and a governor meeting this week. Mouse has been helping Mrs Kus with her jobs. They both joined in with Children in Need dress up.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: A huge thank you to everyone who helped with Movie Morning on Saturday. The children had a brilliant time.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 4th November - 8th November 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have introduced self-sustained activities over the past couple of weeks! The aim of these tasks is to encourage perseverance with an activity. We ask the children to complete a simple task such as sharing a book or completing a picture for 5 to 10 minutes. The children have loved this and we continue to be extremely happy with their attitude to learning. 👏


Year 1 have begun learning alternate graphemes for sounds we already know. They have applied this to their writing. See if they can spot the new graphemes in some of their picture books at home!


Year 2 have had great fun exploring artefacts and finding out how they can help us learn about the past. Did you know that a penny lick ice cream dish spread diseases and that there was a special cup to help sick people have a drink in bed? Ask your children all about what they've been learning!


Year 3 have started animating in their computing lessons. They created flip books this week to see how a picture can come to life.


Year 4 have gotten into the Christmas spirit by analysing existing Christmas stockings and discussing their purpose ready for designing and making their own.


Year 5 have began to write their final piece for English this week. They are writing the memoir of Armstrong the moon mouse, telling tales of his adventures, failures and ultimate trip to the moon.


Year 6 have been embracing our active 20 minutes this week. They are enjoying our yoga sessions where they have been finding both their zen and balance! Tree pose, cat-cow pose and child's pose are just a few of the poses we have been learning.


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have been having a great time at school this week. There have been lots of new toys, crunchy leaves and sofa cuddles 🥰 


A BIG SHOUT OUT: Well done to our clean up crew, Dot and Mouse, who swooped in to clear up the yoghurt spillage outside. Not all heroes wear capes: some are fluffy clouds!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 14th October - 18th October 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


The Reception children have loved learning sight words this week. We played a sight word bingo activity and covered each word with a bear.


This week year 1 have been using the Chromebooks in computing. The children practiced their keyboard skills to type their names and then used the mouse to help draw a self portrait.


In Science, Year 2 have been investigating the properties of materials. They thought about what different objects were made of and why we use that material.  We are really impressed with how they can use words like opaque and transparent.


Year 3 have been doing gymnastics in PE this term. They have been practising and perfecting  balances and actions concentrating on shape, straddles and tucks.


Year 4 have been sharing all their knowledge in history, geography and RE through their synoptic task. They have worked so hard to record all their learning down.


It has been an extremely busy week in Year 5. The children have done themselves proud with the amazing work they have done. Particularly in completing not one but THREE Opening Worlds synoptic tasks as well as our amazing day out at We the. Curious, the science museum. They've all earned themselves a well earned rest this weekend!


Year 6 have been developing their netball skills this week in PE.


This week in Acorn the children been learning all about shapes. The children have enjoyed making pictures with shapes and exploring different 2D shapes.


PUPDATES: Dot was reminded this week that fluffy white clouds and grass cutting are not a good combo. She had a whale of a time zooming through the grass cuttings after the grass was cut on her patch. She was very disgruntled when all of the twigs, leaves and grass had to be picked out of her fluff and she spent the rest of the week with green feet!


A BIG SHOUT OUT: thank you to everyone who is supporting us through Asda’s Cashpot. By signing up to support Mendip Green, Asda will add money to our Cashpot without you needing to spend a penny.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 7th October - 11th October 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Phonics in EYFS has taken off! The children are learning new graphemes (sounds) daily and are also starting to blend them to read words. We are so pleased at how the children have settled into the routine of our lessons and are also excited at the learning to come! Do please check book bags on Fridays to practise the sounds of the week!


Year 1 had their harvest service this week and sang beautifully for their grown ups. They have been doing some lovely harvest activities, such as making scarecrow hats and drawing leaves.


Year 2 have finished their art project and created 7 beautiful collages using different mark making, patterns and textures of paint.


Year 3 have been looking at vocabulary for some of the locations in Wild Robot. They then decided how relevant the vocabulary was and placed it on a zones of relevance.


Year 4 are continuing to complete their stories through pictures in art. The children chose their own layout based on comics in their English learning and some firm favourites like Dog Man. Some used manga as inspiration too. We are looking forward to seeing their completed stories.


This week in Year 5, the children have been working really hard on addition and subtraction in maths. They've been busy problem solving and have persevered with the challenges.


Year 6 have been learning "Hey, Mr Miller" in music this term, which references American musician Glenn Miller. This week, as well as mastering arpeggios, we have also attempted some very tricky ostinatos to be played along with the song! Have a listen to our video.


Acorn have been busy exploring Autumn this term. We have also started to look at one of favourite books The Gruffalo.


PUPDATES: One of Dot’s highlights of the week has been having lunch with one of her BFFs. They have been watching Grizzly and the lemmings together. Dot thinks this could be her third favourite programme after Bluey and The Antiques Road Show (she has a varied taste).


A BIG SHOUT OUT: Our EYFS children have such a great start to the year. They are amazing us at how well they have settled into their phonics lessons. We are so, so proud of them all.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 30th September - 4th October 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have loved making the most of the sunshine this week and have been on lots of outdoor adventures. The children have explored the signs of autumn and how the seasons change. In groups, the children have investigated the school grounds during Outdoor Explorers and were excited with their discoveries. We have also focused on the children's gross motor control in our continous provision outside.


Year 1 have been busy exploring the outdoor area and their classrooms, consolidating their learning from the past few weeks.


Year 2 have enjoyed their 'real write' about Dot and Mouse this week. The real write is where they have the opportunity to write freely about a visual prompt. They have been working on their sentences, handwriting and punctuation.


Year 3 have continued to learn about the story of Rama and Sita in their RE lessons. This week they have been writing a retelling of the events of the story.


Year 4 have been learning about states of matter in science. Over the last few weeks they have been investigating changing states: last week it was melting, this week it has been freezing. The children were super and could demonstrate understanding of both processes in their work. Well done, Year 4!


Year 5 have continued to explore typography this week in Art. They have looked into making stronger marks with simplistic line drawings.


Year 6 have written scripts in Spanish as part of their classroom items unit. 

Can you work out what they are saying?


This week in Acorn, the children have begun exploring the concept of more and less using lots of different materials.


There have been some fantastic independent writing skills shown by children in The Cove this week.  They are trying very hard with their letter formation, spacing and using the Fab Five to help them check their own work.


PUPDATES: Mouse and Dot celebrated more amazing work this week. Mouse chaired her first Inclusion Meeting. She was not very good at sticking to the agenda as she kept getting distracted by Hula Hoops and cheese sandwiches. Dot was treated to a Friday Pup Cup ❤️ 


A BIG SHOUT OUT: thank you to everyone who joined us for our first PTA meeting of the year.  We have a packed calendar of events planned… it is going to be an exciting year.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 23rd September - 27th September 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS children have been fantastic for their first full week at school. We are incredibly proud of them all! The children have enjoyed starting their phonics learning with new rainbow alphabets and magnetic boards with magnetic letters. They have learnt s, a, t and p this week and even read their first work... "sat"!


Year 1 have been keen geographers this week. They have been using their map reading skills to go on a walk to the high street. They have used different symbols on their maps to locate the places.

Year 2 have been learning how to mark make using paints. The children listened and responded to different types if music. It was great fun!


Year 3 had a special visit from a yoga teacher this week. They've learnt control, balance and breathing techniques.


Year 4 have had a fantastic week starting their Egyptian gods and goddesses non-chronological reports. The children have partaken in research around their chosen gods and goddesses and are now starting to form a piece of writing based around this. The effort that has gone into this has been amazing, and the teachers are impressed with how much pride the children are taking with their work. Well done, Year 4!


In Year 5, this week, we have been getting into the mindset of a mouse who is obsessed with space and space travel in our amazing book: Armstrong. The end product of all this wonderful work has been some stunning diary entries describing a part of the story where the mouse visits the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC. The results have been mind blowing! Keep it up Year 5! You have all made a brilliant start to the new school year!


In Year 6 this week, the children have been writing non-chronological reports about wolves, linking with their English text, Wolf Brother. The children have worked incredibly hard researching and presenting their work beautifully!

What a busy week in Acorn. With the change in weather, Acorn have started to look at autumn. They have painted some leaves and worked together to make a tree. During the rest of the term we will be adding some animals.  On Friday we set up a cafe, chopping vegetables and practicing how to pay for our cups of tea. 

PUPDATES: Dot has been celebrating lots of amazing work this week. She has also returned to her postal duties and has loved meeting visitors on our first tours for EYFS starters 2025 ✉️ It’s exhausting work but she still finds time play.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: thank you to everyone who has signed up to support us through Asda’s Cashpot. With 62 days to go, we have already raised over £350!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 16th September - 20th September 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


What a fun week it has been in EYFS! It has been great to have the children all together in their classes and work and play with new friends. The children have also had a fab time exploring the outdoor space - what a busy week! We're sure the children will sleep well this weekend, ready for another busy week!


Year 1 have been practising writing sentences this week. There is so much to remember when writing a sentence, but they are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up, Year 1!


In geography, Year 2 have been building on their knowledge of continents. The children know them really well so why not challenge them to name you all seven? This week, they have looked closely at some of the human and physical features of Asia and Europe.


Year 3 are enjoying starting to learn Spanish. They are learning numbers up to 10 and have been practising Spanish greetings.


Year 4 have been developing their shooting skills in netball.  They worked together as a team to throw balls through a hoop and tried to score using a net.


Year 5 have been challenging themselves in gymnastics to show symmetrical balances. They worked brilliantly together to coach each other to improve.


Year 6 have been enthralled by their English text, ‘Wolf Brother’! They have started off the year by writing some stunningly descriptive paragraphs about Torak's spirit guide, Wolf 🐺


It has been a busy week in Acorn. The children have been working hard on their learning, exploring with the paint and baking cakes.


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have been celebrating some amazing work this week.
Dot has been playing hide and seek. Can you guess where she has been hiding? Join in her game on her Facebook post.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 9th September - 13th September 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


What a wonderful first week we have had welcoming our new reception children. 

We are so proud of how they have all settled in to their new classes. This week, we have spent lots of time learning the school rules and routines and finding out about  our new friends. The children have loved exploring their new learning environments and finding all the exciting resources in each class. We can not wait to do it all again next week.


Year 1 have had a great week learning about different plants. They enjoyed sorting pictures into wild and garden plants.


Year 2 have enjoyed sketching different animals in art this week. They tried really hard to copy each step and were  really pleased with the outcomes.


Year 3 have a spent a great week with their Opening Worlds learning, including all about the River Indus in geography.


Year 4 have hit the ground running with their times tables practice! They are working really hard on their  booklets and TTRS everyday to improve their fluency and are seeing great progress in their scores already!


Year 5 have started their new topic  in art this week and explored typography. They have created their own typography out of paper and explored their effect


Year 6 have started their art topic by looking at the work by African artist Lubaina Lamid. They have created their own visions of her artwork using a variety of tools.


In Acorn this week, the children have been exploring what our body parts are called. The children are enjoying Elmer and other stories.


PUPDATES: Dot has been very busy on the gate this week, welcoming our EYFS children for their half day sessions. She allowed Mr O to go with her.

Meanwhile, Mouse has been getting braver and braver. She has been chilling out in the office with her sausages and enjoyed delivering them post with Mrs Kus.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: Well done to our Class 19 librarians. They have made a cracking start and have worked so hard to get the library ready to be opened to classes.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 2nd September - 6th September 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


We loved seeing our EYFS children and families for their 1:1 sessions this week. They are a super bunch.


What a fantastic start to Year 1! We have been writing and getting creative with lots of activities based on the book, 'The Great Gran Plan'. The children have enjoyed exploring their new classrooms and getting to know their new teachers.


Year 2 have settled really well into their new routines and are having fun showing their teachers what they can do. Today we played maths games in pairs - it was great fun!


Year 3 have had a fantastic first three days. They have enjoyed reading The Great Gran Plan and writing their own stories. They have also started learning about Ancient Egypt and rivers.


Year 4 have had a fantastic first week. The children have settled into their new classes and are working extremely hard already! We began our history topic by learning all about Romulus and Remus. The children listened to the story of how Romulus became King of Rome. They even retold the story in their books! Well done Year 4.


Year 5 hit the ground running! They have had a fantastic first week back and have enjoyed their geography lesson learning about the River Rhine. They made great links to their rivers unit last year and showed off their knowledge!


Year 6 have settled so well. They are very excited about the arrival of their Leavers Hoodies. Don’t they look smart 🥰


PUPDATES: Dot and Mouse have loved having their friends back in the building even though this means running loose down the corridors now has to wait until after 5pm. 


A BIG SHOUT OUT: A huge well done to all of our children (and families). We have had a great first week - alarm clocks were set, bags were packed and uniforms were ironed. There were a few tears and wobbles which is always to be expected but the children settled so well and it is wonderful to have them back.

Whole School 2023 - 2024

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 15th July - 19th July 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green in our final week of the school year…


What a fabulous last week in EYFS! The children spent some time looking at their books and seeing just how far they have come since September. The children were amazed! Thank you all so much for your support and feedback throughout the year too!


Looking ahead to the summer, Year 1 have written some super sentences about a summery picture, showing off all their newly learnt spelling rules. We are so proud of their progress this year!


Year 2 have enjoyed their writing opportunity to tell the story of ‘Journey’. They explored the wordless picture book, planned the plot and used everything they've learnt so far to write their best stories yet. We can't wait to hear about their writing in Year 3.


In Year 3, as the term winds down, the children became architects one last time and attempted to build the largest structure using only spaghetti and marshmallows. It was a test of design and teamwork and the children had a great time!


Year 4 have had a busy week making a mini greenhouse. They also have a brand new plant to take care of over the summer! 🪴 


Year 5 have enjoyed Class-tonbury today. They have planned, designed and costed up their own music festivals, before pitching their ideas to the rest of the class. They have shown amazing team work, time management and self-management skills with minimal input from Mr N (the VIP).


Year 6 had a fantastic party and loved having the use of the inflatables for the day before the picnic. A big thank you to the PTA for providing the inflatables for our day of fun.


It’s been an amazing final full week in The Cove! Lots of fun during bucket time followed by our sensory story, 'Off to the Beach!'. The children fully immersed themselves in the experience which was lovely to see. There were many things to touch, smell and taste!


During their weekly circle time in the HLRB, the children have been talking about changes and transitions. They read a book a few weeks ago called Don't worry Spratly! The children were very keen to make their own worry fish. The fish are to encourage the children to share and talk about any feelings or worries they may have.


DOT WATCH: Dot has had a perfect week. She has been walkies with a few of her friends and enjoyed tummy tickles and a head massage from one of her besties. Mrs Stone brought her extra ham too!
Dot is looking forward to more walkies next week to finish off the term.


A BIG SHOUT OUT: It was a very emotional morning in the marquee on Friday. We had a wonderful graduation service with our Year 6 children. They have been a brilliant cohort and we could not be any prouder of them. We just know that they will go on to achieve amazing things. 🥹 
They are leaving some big shoes for our Year 5 children to fill. We are all excited to see them rise to the challenge of leading the school, setting the tone for the younger children and being role models within the community.


See you in September for more weekly updates ☀️😎 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 8th July - 12th July 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In EYFS, we have been busy exploring measure this week. We have used a range of different resources to help us compare length. We have used vocabulary such as long, longer, longest and short, shorter, shortest.


This term, Year 1 have been studying a unit in Design and Technology called Eat More Fruit and Vegetables. The lessons involved sorting and grouping fruits and vegetables, identifying what is a fruit and what is a vegetable. Did you know that cucumber and tomatoes are actually fruit? Ask your children why! They have how to cut them and explore the insides. This week, they have designed and now made their own fruit salad. The best bit was eating it afterwards 😋 


During this term, Year 2 have been looking at different types of vehicles. They have designed a vehicle and this week constructed their own vehicles which they will evaluate. Here are some excellent creations the children have made.


Year 3 have been writing a diary as Max from Where the Wild Things Are. They have worked so hard and are very proud of their work.


Year 4 have been working hard on their synoptic tasks in history, geography and RE this week. Their synoptic task for RE summed up what they have learnt this topic perfectly, writing about Moses and the Kingdom of Israel. In science, they have been looking at climate change and the environment, and exploring how different animals are being affected. They've made some fantastic posters to show their learning!


Year 5 have concluded their terms work around Norse mythology. They have written their own myths around the trickster god, Loki. The stories take place on one of the nine Norse realms, which the children have described using some amazing expanded noun phrases. This writing really highlights just how much the year group has progressed as writers! We can't wait to see what they will produce next!


Year 6 have been perfecting their show Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits and are ready to perform to the children and parents next week.


This week in The Cove, the children have been reading 'The Gingerbread Man'. What a perfect excuse for some baking and decorating! 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 1st July - 5th July 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Wow EYFS! this week the children have been showing us that they are Year 1 ready. It has been a pleasure to spend time writing with the children this week! A quick look at books shows us they can write in sentences, spell their sight words and write words with lots of correct graphemes. What an amazing bunch of authors!


Year 1 have been designing their own programmes in computing! The children have been choosing their own backgrounds and then creating an algorithm to make the rockets move. We think they are out of this world 🌎 🚀 🌟


In Year 2, the children have been learning about habitats and microhabitats.  They have designed and created their own bug hotels to encourage a range of minibeasts to use them.


In Year 3, the children have loved learning about Alexender the Great’s journey from Macedon to the far east of the Indus Valley. They loved retelling their knowledge of Babylon and the Ishtar gate.


Year 4 have enjoyed learning about classification keys. They have drawn some fantastic animals. The teachers were impressed with their knowledge of animals.


Year 5 have had a fantastic afternoon enjoying music. They have been learning a range of songs from Sing Up.


Year 6 had a whale of a time on their Year 6 camp. They can back with half a swamp in their luggage but with a heap of amazing memories. The children were so well behaved, great fun and incredibly brave, throwing themselves into every activity.


BIG SHOUT OUT: A massive thank you to all of the staff involved in the Year 6 camp and staycation. A huge amount of time went into all of the planning and organisation as well as spending time away from their families (and comfy beds).

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 24th June - 28th June 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week, EYFS have enjoyed taking part in P.E. outside. The children worked together to develop their gross motor skills as they moved the parachute up and down. It was super windy, which made the games extra challenging as it lifted high into the air.  Great team work!


Year 1 have been adding a few different sprites to their projects and creating algorithms for each different sprite. They are becoming computing geniuses on Scratch!


Year 2 are busy designing their microhabitat in science. They can't wait to work together and build it.


We have been mini poets in Year 3 this week. Inspired by Spike Milligan, we created versions of his poem: The Ning Nang Nong with hilarious results!!


Year 4 have produced some fantastic persuasive writing this week. Their task was to persuade the teachers to save tigers, orangutans or sea turtles. The teachers were definitely persuaded and were very impressed with the children's hard work.


Year 5 have been learning about biomes in geography this week. They enjoyed learning about the climate and animals in the savanna.


Year 6 have been loving our dance unit this term - here are some intimidating dance sequences inspired by the terrifying Haka! Check out the comments to see some of their performances.


BIG SHOUT OUT: a huge well well done to one of our Year 3 children in this amazing reading achievement!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 17th June - 20th June 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have been making the most of the sunny week and enjoying learning outside. They have been playing baseball and cricket and  throwing rocket javelins at sight words and graphemes then reading them. The mud kitchen has been very popular this week! Some children have also been washing empty snail shells and building a house with the big block wooden blocks.


In Jigsaw this term, Year 1 are exploring "changes in me." This week, we discussed how we have changed since being a baby.  The children loved looking at photographs of staff when they were children, trying to guess who was who and discussing how they have changed 👶👧👩👵


Year 2 have been creating their own body percussion sounds to rhythm of ‘Hi Lo Chicka Lo’ and singing along. Check out the comments to see a recording of their performance.


After our fantastic sports day this week, Year 3 have been continuing to build their teamwork in PE. They worked together to collect coloured cones and beanbags to create a pattern.


Year 4 have continued their English work by researching an endangered animal. They have written some fantastic persuasive texts, trying to convince people to save and protect their animal.


Year 5 have been writing in role as Loki, the Norse god. They have particularly enjoyed learning about the wider aspects of Norse mythology.


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Craig this week. This fabulous course in First Aid is part of our Mini Medics program. The children learnt valuable skills, including CPR and the recovery position. The children were so sensible and really enjoyed learning such important information!


What a busy week it has been in The Cove! The children have been 'busy bees' (excuse the pun!) writing non chronological reports all about bees. Miss Walton was 'buzzing' to see them! 🐝We have also had some very happy children engaging in our bear hunt sensory story and 3D shape building! Amazing stuff!


Sunshine have started their topic of Under the Sea.  The children have been learning about the different type of creatures you find under the sea. They discovered that lots of our rubbish ends up in the sea and oceans. Today the children went on a litter pick on the school site. They were shocked at how much litter we found on a small section of the field.


BIG SHOUT OUT: Our Year 6 are visiting their new schools next week for their transition days. We wish them the best of luck and cannot wait to hear all about their adventures! ❤️ 🌳 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 10th June - 14th June 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week has been such a healthy one for EYFS! Chantelle from Big Brush Club came to visit and helped us to remember how to brush twice a day at home for tip top pearly whites! The children’s daily brushing in school is going well and everyone is doing their best to keep cavities at bay!


Year 1 have been writing about bees in their English this week. Their writing included some interesting facts! It is the bees knees 🐝 


Year 2 have worked so hard this week doing maths and reading  papers. We are very, very proud of their great attitudes, hard work, resilience and perseverance. Well done everyone.


Year 3 have written their own version of 'Give yourself a hug' by Grace Nichols. They have loved learning and performing their poems!


Year 4 have continued their work in RE by looking into where Moses wrote the laws that were given to him by God. They have learnt all about Jewish scrolls, called Torahs.


Year 5 have enjoyed hearing a Jewish story from the Torah about the Israelites living in the Promised Land.


Year 6 enjoyed a visit from the educational mental health team this week for a transition workshop. In the workshop, Year 6 were able to share their worries about secondary school and worked together to find solutions to these worries. This was, of course, accompanied by lots of games!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 3rd June - 7th June 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


The children in EYFS have reached the end of learning their Step 3 phonic sounds. The last few weeks will be spent consolidating these. Have a look at some of their writing this week. What superstars!


This week Year 1 started a topic in design and technology called Eat More Fruit and Vegetables!

In lesson 1, they undertook a class survey asking each other their favourite fruit. It was great fun! Then the children made a class pictogram to work out which were the most and least popular fruits in our class.


Year 2 are learning to write recounts this week in English. The children have started by looking at recounts written about the history of flight and have written their own recount of the trip to Cheddar Cave. 

The children will use their knowledge of writing recounts to write as past historical figures about the development of flight next week.


In Year 3 the children have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell and marvelled at how the human voice was first transmitted along a copper wire in 1876 - almost 150 years ago! The children then thought about what the phone of the future might look like with amazing results. From a phone which you can reach into and pull out food, to a phone which can be unfolded to become a house!


Year 4 have been learning all about continents in geography. They have found out what a continent is, and the names of some. They then focused on the continent of Europe, looking at what oceans surround it and the countries that are in it.


Year 5 have enjoyed the introduction to their DT topic - bridges. They have been exploring ways in which pliiars and beams are used to span gaps.


Y6 started rehearsing their play this week - Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits! We are very impressed at the acting talent and the children have now had a few weeks to learn their lines.


It has been a great start to Term 6 in The Cove! An amazing story was written by one of the boys all about a lion cub and the Year 2 children went to Cheddar Caves!


DOT WATCH: Dot enjoyed hanging out in the front office this week. Nothing to do with all of the treats Mrs Stone and Mrs Baxendale smuggle in for her… nope, definitely not that.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 20th May - 24th May 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


It has been a great final week of term for EYFS which means only one term to go! On Monday, we celebrated our Go Green Day by making collages from a range of media. The children’s maths work this week has  focused on volume and capacity and what this means in their everyday lives. It has been lots of fun and maybe a little messy at times! Term 5 is also a great term to look at how far the children have developed as writers. Their stamina has really improved  and we are really looking forward to seeing what Term 6 will bring!


To round off their art topic unit in Year 1, the children explored using a range of media to create giant magic spells. The children loved this learning so much, that they decided to continue their learning in their outside area. 💫


Year 2 have been learning to put weight on to their hands within gymnastics. They practised the crab, camel walk and bunny hop four different ways. There were many great examples of the moves.


Year 3 have been learning about angles this week. They know all about acute, obtuse and right angles.


The children in Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic camp this week. They spent a day at Mendip Outdoor pursuits, kayaking, paddle boarding and getting VERY muddy on the obstacle course! They finished the day with a water fight and camp fire, complete with hot chocolate (with marshmallows) and a sing song ⛺️ 🏕️ 🎶 


Year 5 have enjoyed performing their Bollywood inspired dances during PE this week. In RE, the children have loved learning about the story of Moses, Passover and Exodus. Their whole term’s worth of knowledge has been collected in a fantastic synoptic task looking into why Jewish people still celebrate the festival of Passover to this day.


Year 6 wrote their own version of The Highwayman this week, choosing a character’s perspective to write from. The description is amazing and the stories even had their own twists on the original.


DOT WATCH: Dot has celebrated her 3rd birthday with cake (thank you Mrs Kus) and cuddles. Dot would like to know if this means she is now a proper grown up 🧁🦴🐾🎈


MASSIVE SHOUT OUT: A huge thank you to all of the adults who supported our Year 4 children during their camp. From staying late to sing camp fire songs to arriving early to cook breakfast or camping overnight  (under canvas, in a van, or on a classroom floor), and everything in between, without your time and willingness to be sleep deprived (and probably wet and muddy) we would not be able to offer this opportunity to our children. 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 13th May - 17th May 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week, Reception have been learning about the famous artist and painter Georges Seurat. The children have explored his work and learnt about his style of painting. Pointillism is using small dots of colour to create a picture. The children used sun flowers as a stimulus and we are so impressed with the paintings the children have created.


Year 1 have been learning how to play the song 'Come Dance with Me' on the glockenspiel. Lots of concentration was needed!


Year 2 are developing their understanding of programming in computing. They have designed their own mats as a team to navigate different routes.


Year 3 have been using magnets in science to investigate different materials and their magnetic properties.


Year 4 have been busy creating non- chronological reports on volcanoes during geography. They have impressed us with their knowledge of volcanoes.


Year 5 have been learning about position and direction in maths this week.


It was SATs week for Year 6 and they were totally brilliant! They have worked incredibly hard up to this point and kept calm and focused throughout. They had a well deserved day of fun on Friday.


MASSIVE SHOUT OUT: It has to be Year 6. They are just awesome and we are all incredibly proud of them!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 6th May - 10th May 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week in EYFS has been m-argh-vellous! We had our pirate book event which focused on the number based book Ten Little Pirates. There was lots of maths chat as well as making boats, singing shanties and walking the plank! The fun continued throughout the week as we made maps to find treasure. Shiver me timbers!


The Year 1 children have been working on a new book called Float. Using this text they have been practising writing longer sentences using the conjunction ‘and'. They have also been writing some questions they would like to ask the King!


Year 2 had such a great sports day on Tuesday and have been writing about their afternoon as a real write.


Year 3 have loved learning about active, dormant and extinct volcanoes! They've written and illustrated the dangers of composite volcanoes.


In Year 4, the children drew birds as part of their art learning. They focused on the outline of the birds and then coloured them in.


Year 5 have created pieces of art which will form a class sculpture in the next few weeks!


Year 6 have been continuing their computing this term by using a ping pong game on Scratch. They had to add variables and different controls to make the sprites do different things!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 29th April - 3rd May 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


The children have been learning to form numerals correctly in EYFS. They have learnt some rhymes to help them write the numerals correctly.


Year 1 have been exploring, recognising and making equal groups. They have also been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please practise this at home if you can!


Year 2 have been learning more about the Stone Age in history this week. They now know the meaning of ‘pre-history’ and have explored what cave paintings can tell us about this time. They are becoming experts ahead of their trip to Cheddar Caves during Term 6.


Year 3 have been displaying their programming abilities using scratch! They've been using different events and commands.


Year 4 have been enjoying some practical learning in science. The children learnt all about the digestive system and what job each part does in breaking down our food. They were amazed, and slightly grossed out by the digestive system experiment.


Year 5 have been learning the Lady of Shalott and performing it as a whole class performance poetry piece.


Year 6 ha estado aprendiendo sobre todo tipo de comida en sus lecciones de español; esta semana han diseñado sus propios menús en español. ¡No me importa si lo hago! 

Year 6 have been learning about all sorts of food in their Spanish lessons - this week, they have designed their own menus in Spanish. Don't mind if I do! 


During play therapy this week, there was excellent collaborative learning from our children in The Cove. They thoroughly enjoyed building this tower together!

 🌳 Weekly Round Up: 22nd April - 26th April 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week in EYFS we learned about St George and how he slayed a dragon to rescue a princess. In the classrooms, we made flags and painted dragons to celebrate.


Year 1 have learnt about Queen Victoria this week and why she is so significant in British history. Look at their wonderful portraits!


Year 2 have been enjoying the improved spring weather to practice their Sports Day stations. The children practiced their sprinting, throwing, dribbling and balancing skills ready to show you all in two weeks time.


Year 3 were faced with a dilemma this week. After reading a wonderful folk story from Kazakstan called The Magic Garden, they had to decide what the main character should do when faced with two equally reasonable choices. Should he buy seeds to grow a magical garden or save the lives of hundreds of rare and exotic birds? The children loved debating what should be done and wrote some amazing persuasive writing to give both sides of the argument.


Year 4 have enjoyed exploring Julia Ogden inspired pieces of art work. They carefully drew an outline of a tree and then covered it with masking tape in preparation for painting their background. They will use sponges and brushes to create a patterned background in the style of Julia Ogden.


Year 5 have been developing their Bollywood dance skills. They have created short dance routines using a series a movements. Mr Nicholson is impressed and slightly jealous as he doesn't have these great dance moves!


Year 6 have been learning about variables in programming. They are using Scratch to change scores just like you see in a real football match!


Blossom had so much fun whilst going on a bear hunt: an exciting sensory experience for their little feet, leading to a whole week of role play, building caves and exploring new textures! Ask your little ones if we caught a big one?  


DOT WATCH: Dot has been having a little too much fun recently. After playing in the garden, digging holes and chasing leaves, bath time was inevitable 🧼🐶🚿 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 15th April - 19th April 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


This week we have given partial control of our EYFS round up to the children. There were some interesting photos! We have made the most of the lovely weather and looked around school for signs of spring. This has tied with the children’s work on new life, growing and planting seeds.


This week year 1 have been looking at measurement in maths. We have been talking about capacity and volume. We were using different size containers to fill them to their capacity and compre them with others. We had great fun.


This week Year 2 have been exploring and story mapping a story about the Polynesian God, Maui.


Year 3 have been doing some still life art this week. The children have been looking at various different fruit and drawing it as accurately as possible. We have even been paying attention to light and shadows.


Year 4 have been learning all about the layers or the Earth. The children have looked at facts about the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. They have produced some fantastic writing, talking about what each layer is made of, what state it is and how hot it is.


This week year 5 have been taking inspiration from the work of Grayson Perry to design their own pots.


Year 6 have started athletics this week in PE. The children had lots of fun trying different sprint starts and then learnt how to do a standing and crouching sprint start to improve their sprint times.

In Sunshine, the children have been learning all about spring. They have been on a walk around the school to spot and collect any signs of spring they can find.


DOT WATCH: Dot has had a very cosy week. She had a lovely lunch time dinner date with one of her Cove friends (sausages were in the menu) and an end of day cuddle on the sofa 🥰 


BIG SHOUT OUT: a big welcome to our new EYFS starters. We loved visiting you and we hope you like your book bag ❤️ 🌳 ❤️ 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 25th March - 29th March 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Happy Easter from Reception. This week, the children have been learning about instructions and how to follow them to complete a task. At the start of the week, the children made Easter cakes following visual instructions. They then used the method to sequence images to complete the task. Throughout the week, the children have also practiced their oral recall of the process.


Year 1 have been busy this term in science. We have thought about grouping animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. This week, we have looked closely at some animal poo to identify which diet group the poo came from!


Year 2 have written brilliant stories  this week based on environmental problems near the seaside. They've used the stories 'One World' and 'Clean Up' to inspire their own work. Year 2 have also been learning how to measure using g, kg, cm, m, ml and l. Today they learnt about temperature using thermometers and measuring in degrees Celsius.


Year 3 have been very busy this week, showing off all their amazing learning from this term's Opening World lessons. Their hard work and enthusiasm has really paid off and we have been blown away by the thoroughness and quality of their writing. Well done Year 3!


Year 4 have had a fabulous week of DT. The children have glued their wooden boxes together, designed their front cover and assembled their circuit. Putting it all together, they have created some fabulous light boxes. Well done Year 4!


Year 5 have produced 3 FANTASTIC extended writes in RE, history and geography. In history, they have answered the question, ‘How were the Greek city-states similar?’


Year 6 have been learning how to use spreadsheets this term. They used all of their skills to plan a party using the formulas function to do all of the calculations. The children were given a budget of £50 and could choose the number of guests that would be invited.


To link in with their English text for this term, ‘Busy Spring', the children working on this went on a trip to Properjob to buy some pots, seeds and decorative items to jazz up our Cove garden! They also practised some life skills including: road safety,  queuing up and using money to pay for items. 🌻🌼🌸

The children been busy planting flowers and tidying up the Cove garden ready for Terms 5 and 6! We look forward to seeing their plants grow!🌻


DOT WATCH: Dot has been the spirit animal of the staff this week. She has embodied the sleepiness of the last day of term. 🥱 😴 💤 


BIG SHOUT OUT: Thank you to to all of the PTA and staff who gave their time to support the discos. It was a looooooong evening of logistics, bopping and sweeping BUT the children had a ball 🪩 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 18th March - 22nd March 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have been making the most of the warmer weather and doing lots of fun learning outside. They have been building dens and a hotel! They have been weighing, sorting and sharing. They have been exploring floating a sinking.


In light of the pet show this week, the Year 1 children have been writing about their dream pet! If space wasn't an issue, we think your homes would be a bit like a zoo if it were up to the children! 🦕 🦄 🦒 🐳


Year 2 enjoyed making pizzas as part of their DT unit this term. They look very tasty!


Year 3 have been learning all about their skeleton this week. They drew around themselves and labelled all the bones they knew. They now know that their skeleton is for movement, support and protection.


Year 4 have been measuring, cutting and sanding wood in DT this week. They are preparing their resources ready to make their light boxes next week. The children have loved talking about how to keep safe when using a saw, and they had lots of fun sawing the wood using a vice and small saw, wearing safety goggles and gloves of course!


Year 5 have spent the week focusing on grammar and have had the chance to apply this when writing their own stories based on mountains. They have produced some fantastic stories full of imagery and emotive language!


In PE this term, Year 6 have been developing their tennis skills. This week, they have thought about positioning and how to work effectively with their doubles partners.


DOT WATCH: Dot had a fab time judging the Year 1 Pet Show this week. Dot will be contacting the Dot Bar winners to arrange a Daily Mile with them after the holiday. She is rather excited.


BIG SHOUT OUT: A huge thank you to the PTA who put on a fabulous quiz on Friday and to Mr O for being a brilliant host (again). Turns out, none of the quiz teams were smarter than a (Mendip Green) 7 year old 🤦‍♀️

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 11th March - 15th March 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have had a fantastic time this week being scientists. We have experimented with skittles, dancing raisins and exploding cola.


Year 1 have been exploring images of Worle in the past. We will take these old photos up the High Street with us next week to compare the changes that have occurred. The children enjoyed making some familiar buildings in Worle with construction toys.


Year 2 continue to learn about the developments in flight.  They have been learning about Amelia Earhart this week.


Year 3 have been getting stuck into their text, The Rhythm of the Rain. They are going to be writing a diary as Cassi, a girl who lives in a village in Africa, so they've done some hot seating to help them understand the character.


Year 4 have enjoyed investigating decimals. We have been really impressed with their resilience when completing extra challenges.


Year 5 have been sewing their own bags this term in DT. Look at those concentrating faces!


Year 6 have been learning about inheritance in science this term. This week, they looked at cross breeding dogs and chose the characteristics that had been inherited from the mother or father.


In The Cove this week, we were very proud of this little girl's work - a story map of Jasper & the Beanstalk! Well done! 🌟⭐


DOT WATCH: Dot had a series tummy tickle sessions this week. We are not entirely sure that the long nap afterwards was needed!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 4th March - 8th March 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Wow! We have seen some fabulous gymnastics in EYFS this week. The children have explored moving over apparatus as well as jumping, balancing and landing safely. We'll no doubt see some of you at the Olympics in Brisbane 2032! 


Year 1 are learning about the place value of numbers up to 50 using base ten to make different numbers.


Year 2 have been busy writing letters in response to our new book in English. Some letters were so good Mr O read them too!


Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their World Book Day, dressing up as their favourite character and delving into a story in the library!


Year 4 have had a fanscinating history lesson this week. The children have been learning about the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta. They learnt about the buildings in an ancient Greek polis, including an agora, temples for worshipping and an acropolis with another temple on top. Using all their Greek polis knowledge, they then compared Athens and Sparta by talking about their similarities and differences. Well done Year 4!


Year 5 have enjoyed creating a program that contains 'if... then... else' to ask questions.


Year 6 had an emotional time in English this week. After weeks of following the progress of Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition, the children were horrified to see that his beloved ship was crushed and submerged by the Antarctic ice! Putting this shock to good use, the children have been planning letters home to their family, in role as members of the original crew, to inform them of this catastrophic event.


DOT WATCH: Dot had great fun dressing up for World book day (or at least she tolerated it for 5 minutes). Dot was also invited to join one of her friends to have their hearing aids tested. Everyone had to be silent for the tests. She watched the nurses do lots of checks and then sat on the desk for some cuddles and tummy tickles whilst the nurses did their final checks. Dot thinks her friend was very brave and she has been invited back for his next appointment so she must have been very good at keeping quiet.


BIG SHOUT OUT: a massive well done to everyone in the PTA who supported the making of the Dot bars. We loved them! We still cannot believe how popular they were.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 26th February - 1st March 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


Cosmic Kids yoga was enjoyed by our Reception children during their PE session this week.


Year 1 have been working on missing number problems this week - a tricky concept! They have done so well drawing on their knowledge of part-part-whole and using number lines to help solve these problems. We are very proud  of them!


In music, Year 2 are learning the words and actions to the song 'Grandma Rap.'


Year 3 have become fractions masters over the past few weeks. They have been comparing and ordering fractions and are now experts at equivalent fractions.


Year 4 have begun a science experiment exploring why plants need space. They have 4 pots with onion sets. The pots have different amounts of onions (1, 4, 9 and 16). We will make weekly observations and record these to track our findings.


Year 5 have been learning about the journey of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay and have written some fantastic diaries inspired by their expedition up Mount Everest


Year 6 have been writing haiku poems to describe the beautiful scenery of Antarctica as Shackleton's journey takes them closer to the South Pole.


DOT WATCH: Dot found her 2 days in charge very tiring. It is tough being the Head Pup. She congratulated herself on 2 days of successful bossing with a nap.


BIG SHOUT OUT: A massive well done to Mr Edwards and the children in Class 12 who seriously impressed senior leaders from across the trust with their incredible history knowledge and attitudes to learning.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 19th February - 23rd February February 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


What a wonderful first week back Reception have had! It has been fantastic to see the children working so hard on their writing and using their phonics to write labels and sentences. The children have been developing their pencil control to form capital letters. We have been focusing on the fab five to help to write accurately and the children have been applying this in their work. Super writing everyone!


In science this week, the children in Year 1 have been learning all about the human body. They had a great time drawing around their friends and labelling their body parts!


Year 2 have begun learning about plants so the children planted seeds and bulbs in big pots. Then the children planted sunflower seeds to grid at home. As the rain set in, planting continued inside. The pots have now been taken to the garden and the children will be checking on them regularly!


In Year 3, the children have been looking at books with mechanisms in preparation for making our own pop up/interactive books in DT. They were brilliant and really inspired the children to begin creating mechanisms of their own.


In English, Year 4 have been exploring Ancient Greek play scripts. First the children identified the features of a play script. Then they used their  creative skills to act out the play script in their groups. They perfected their performing skills by using intonation and appropriate changes in volume.


Year 5 have enjoyed learning about Gospel songs and started to sing a Gospel song called 'Why we sing'.


Year 6 have continued learning algebra this week and can now solve two step equations and form algebraic equations.


DOT WATCH: Dot is back to normal size! She is half the dog she was last week!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 5th February - 9th February 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In EYFS this week, the children have continued their learning of The Little Red Hen by making bread. They worked together to follow instructions and looked closely at the recipe. They developed their fine motor skills as they kneaded their dough before rolling it into balls to bake. They then used knives to spread butter on top before eating it! It was delicious!


Year 1 have been busy making birds  in art this week. They have used their observational drawing skills to draw feathers and added paper clip legs and claws. They were even able to label the parts of a bird drawing on their science knowledge. We hope you have enjoyed seeing the process of making their birds!


Year 2 have been busy becoming experts about hummingbirds and sharing their knowledge by writing non-chronological reports. They've even written their own short story this week. They are fab!


Year 3 have finished off their work on typography in art by creating their own 'Google doodles.' We think they look fab!


Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed their art lesson this week. They used their historical knowledge to create a gallery of artefacts made out of clay. They also made people who were looking in their galleries. The children were very pleased with their final creations.


Year 5 have loved learning about the story Beowulf. They have worked hard to write their own adventure stories. In computing, they created vector drawings of their monsters.


Year 6 have been creating Web pages in computing this term. The children have been considering the purpose, audience and design. They have also learned to add links to other information on the internet.


As part of Children's Mental Health Week, children in the Cove, along with the rest of Mendip Green, have been focusing on the theme 'My Voice Matters.'

They all started with, 'My voice matters and I want to live in a world where...',  everyone shared their ideas and illustrated them.  The children have been repeating our phrases each day


The Cove and The HLRB children had a wonderful time on Wednesday morning celebrating their work with one another. Their text from this term was 'Winter Sleep' and they shared their fabulous writing about this. Mrs Barton also treated us all to biscuits and hot chocolate which was very well received! Well done on all your hard work children! 👏


DOT WATCH: It has been a bit soggy for the marshmallow this week. She spent a lot of time snoozing in a towel burrito 🌧️ 🌯 


A BIG SHOUTOUT: A massive thank you to Miss Davies who organised a wonderful Children’s Mental Health Week. We cannot wait to share some of our thoughts with you.

Another thank you to our UWE students who have been a huge support this term. We will be seeing them again in March for a special day of learning. We wish them all the best in their future careers as teachers - they will be brilliant!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 29th January - 2nd February 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


EYFS have had so much fun over the past couple of weeks on 2, 3 and 4 wheels! The children have seen some fantastic riding whilst remembering to be safe and wear a helmet every time they ride!


Year 1 have been learning all about a Bristol-based Artist, Diana Beltran Herrera. The children were amazed that her sculptures and art work are all made from paper! We explored making 3d feathers from different types of paper.


Year 2 are learning to play a tuned instrument to accompany this term's song, Tony Chestnut. It's great fun but a lot to learn! 😄


Year 3 have been immersed in their Indus Valley learning, finding out about different sources!


In History, Year 4 have been looking at how the Indus people traded and travelled. They have discovered that they used barter for trading because they didn't use any money. Scales were used to weigh products. The children also found out that carts, boats and oxen were used to travel the trade route from Indus to Mesopotomia. They have produced some fantastic writing and illustrations to match!


Year 5 have been patiently waiting for a call from Steve Borthwick, as they've developed their rugby skills this term in PE - just in time for the 6 Nations!


Year 6 wrote application letters this week to Ernest Shackleton to apply for a role on his expedition. All applications were successful and each crew member was assigned a dog to look after which they named.


DOT WATCH: Dot has had a very busy week. Dot helped one of the Dot Squad with their maths papers. Dot now thinks maths is great because she gets treats for all the answers! She went to the V.E.T for a health check and was told she was the bestest, fluffiest pup, and in tip-top health. Dot was not very brave so had to have lots of cuddles. The vet confirmed that Dot is, in fact, a dog and not a marshmallow - we will be getting a second opinion! Dot finished the week with a bath. Be prepared to see the fluff explosion next week!

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 22nd January - 26th January 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


In our EYFS classes the children have been exploring birds. They went outside with an identification guide to try and find some of the different species.


Year 1 have made some observational drawings of feathers this week in preparation to make their 3D birds. They were careful to look for different colours, patterns and textures.


Year 2 have been creating their own minibeasts by studying and cutting shapes after observing minibeasts in resin and through a documentary.


The children have been preparing for the great Storm Cat's visit in Year 3 and wrote some amazing descriptions of what it might be like to sail out into an enormous storm. It’s been great fun and brilliant preparation for the story writing which we will do in the coming weeks!


Year 4 have enjoyed their Jigsaw learning this week. They explored different scenarios where people faced challenges and had to use their resilience to overcome the problem. In groups, they used their creative skills to perform to the rest of the class.


This week, Year 5 have enjoyed investigating thermal insulators through fair testing in science.


In PE, Year 6 have enjoyed working in small groups to create and perform a cannon in a sequence. What budding gymnasts we have! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️


DOT WATCH: There’s been a bit more agility training for Dot this week. She is getting to be a very good flying marshmallow. 


A BIG SHOUTOUT: huge well done to our Year 6 librarians. They are doing a cracking job and are looking very professional in their new official lanyards.

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 15th January - 19th January 2024 🌳 


Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


It's been a week of creativity in EYFS. We have experimented with making models, role playing, finding totals in maths as well as moving our train pistons in PE! Phew!


Year 1 are using nature as inspiration in art, exploring different techniques with pastels to create snail shell patterns.


Year 2 have been using instruments to create rhythm patterns and observe how this can follow music created digitally during computing.


We've been exploring typography and onomatopoeia in Year 3. The children came up with some very creative ways of writing different noisy words!


Year 4 have been learning more Hindu stories. This time, they have found out all about Ganesha and what he means to Hindus. The children drew their own picture of Ganesha. They then drew Ganesha's most important items, such as a lotus flower and sweets.


Year 5 have enjoyed their music lesson this week. They warmed up their voices using the Indian classical scale and have practiced singing a song with actions.


Year 6 have been learning about Hindu traditions in RE. They have been learning about Ganesha who is the god of wisdom and good fortune.


Our focus in The Cove this term is winter and hibernation. We have been looking at the text 'Winter Sleep'. These two boys impressed us so much with their letter writing! Well done!


DOT WATCH: Dot had an exhausting session of doggy agility this week. She mastered a trio of jumps and the tunnel. Well done to our Dot Squad agility trainer and course designer.

If there were an Olympic event where marshmallows plopped over 30cm jumps, Dot could be in the running for a medal 🥇 🥈 🥉 


A BIG SHOUTOUT: Our fab PTA had their first meeting of 2024 this week. They have so many fab ideas… watch this space 👀 

🌳 Weekly Round Up: 8th January - 12th January 2024 🌳 

Here are a few things we have been up to at Mendip Green this week…


With the recent cold weather, EYFS children have been exploring the ice. We left water in trays overnight and the children were fascinated with the freezing process. This prompted discussion in classes about locations where there might be more ice. We used non-fiction books to find out about the climate in Antarctica.


Year 1 have been exploring and making numbers to 20. The children also played a game to challenge their friends to make the numbers using a tens frame.


Year 2 have been using primary colours to colour mix secondary colours. They then painted colour wheels.


Year 3 have been working really hard on their multiplication this week. They have used their known times table facts to help them multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.


Year 4 had a wonderful art lesson this week exploring drawing with scissors. They had a selection of coloured paper and cut out shapes to express figurative poses.


Year 5 have enjoyed creating collages inspired by Joan Miro. They took creative risks as they did automatic drawings over their work by following sounds!


Year 6 have started their new English focus, Shackleton's journey, and will be writing biographies about Ernest Shackleton next week. Today we looked at examples of biographies so we know the features that need to be included.


DOT WATCH: Dot is back, fluffy as ever, and ready for 2024!