Ofsted Reports
What Ofsted say about Mendip Green Primary School:
"Pupils told us that the school encourages you to follow your dreams."
"There is an aspiring atmosphere at Mendip Green Primary School. It is calm and welcoming. Pupils enjoy each others company and build trusted relationships with adults."
"Pupils feel safe and happy at school."
"Leaders and staff have consistently high expectations for all pupils and are effective role models."
"Pupils respect staff and understand routines. They are polite and respectful to others."
"Pupils say that bullying is not a concern. If it were to happen, they are confident that staff would sort it out quickly. As a result, pupils are motivated to learn well academically and socially."
"Leaders provide strong pastoral care for all pupils including those with additional needs."
"Pupils are proud to become school and eco councillors and librarians. They enjoy leadership responsibilities."
"Pupils are encouraged to have ambitious goals for the future."
"Many parents appreciate the commitment staff provide. One parent said, 'This is a happy, caring school with a strong ethos on learning.'"
"The curriculum is designed to help pupils build on what they have already learned."
"...teachers present subject matter well and so pupils remember the detail of what they have learned."
"Leaders prioritise reading. They are ambitious for pupils to love reading."
"Pupils with SEND are included fully in the school curriculum and their individual needs are effectively met. Where appropriate, children receive further tailored."
"Pupils are polite and considerate towards each other and their teachers. Their good conduct helps learning to go on without interruption."
"Pupils have confidence to challenge discrimination. They respect and appreciate difference in the world."
"Leaders work swiftly with agencies when pupils and families need help. They make frequent checks on the welfare of pupils."
"The curriculum provides ways for pupils to learn how to stay safe, including online safety."
The latest Ofsted inspection report can be found here: Ofsted visit 10th - 11th January 2023
Ofsted Parent View information can be found here: Ofsted Parent View.