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Mendip Green Primary School

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Useful Links for Parents

Check your online reputation

Your digital footprint is the mark that you leave behind when using the internet and can shape your online reputation. Your digital footprints can be positive or negative and shape how people see you now or in the future. Use this simple checklist from Childnet to help manage and maintain your online reputation.


Online sexual harassment - advice for parents

Childnet has produced guidance to help parents & carers and foster carers talk to their children about the important issue of online sexual harassment – specifically when this is happening between children of around the same age.


Gaming - what parents need to know

Gaming is extremely popular with children and young people. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest games and how they work. The CEOP have developed this useful resource to look at the key concerns and how you can support happier, safer gaming for your child.


Managing your child's gaming emotions

Children can get so involved in their gaming that parents are often surprised at how intensely emotional they can get about it. By understanding what’s going on for your child, and following some basic guidelines, you can better support your gaming child.


Children 1st - mobile phones

As children get older, the question of what age they should be given a mobile phone is bound to come up. Unfortunately for parents there is no hard and fast rule. No matter what pressure your child puts on you, this is an important decision which will open up their access to the digital world, and make it harder for you to control. It’s good to think this through carefully and to negotiate some ground rules with your child.


Internet safety and parental controls

You have got an important part to play in your child’s online safety. By learning about the internet and talking to your children about its benefits and risks before they have ventured too far into the online world you can make it easier for them to come to you if something goes wrong.  If you wait until it does, then conversations can become tinged with shame and worry and open communication becomes harder.


Family Agreement

A practical tool to start discussions about how to behave online and set clear expectations for your family.


Advice for buying apps

Young people love to personalise their own devices by downloading apps which carry out fun and useful functions from looking up the weather forecast, to playing games and sharing photos on a social networking site. There really seems to be an app for everything these days!


Online safety guidance for parents

A printable pocket size leaflet that gives parents and carers points to consider and useful links to help you understand how to deal with online situations.


Young people and screen time - a good start

Resources for parents and carers to help children get off to a good start using digital devices.


Social media apps and their age range

Social Media is one of the most popular aspects of the internet, and with the amount of apps available for download increasing constantly, keeping young people safe online has never been more important. But what exactly do we need to know about the age restrictions and safety on these apps in terms of internet safety? 


What is explicit or inappropriate content?

As children start to explore the internet, they may come across content that isn't suitable for their age, or that may upset or worry them. The NSPCC have lots of advice to help you and your child if they have seen explicit or harmful content. 

