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Year 3 and 4

Homework in Year 3 and Year 4

Children should continue to read 5 times each week and record this in their Reading Record for parents to initial. This could be a mixture of their colour-banded reading book, their library book or a book from home. Children will benefit from discussing their reading with an adult as often as possible.


We are using Times Table Rock Stars to improve the children fluency with times table facts and children should spend 20 minutes each week on the TTRS activities. Passwords for OneNote and TTRS will be shared during parent teacher discussions this week.


Each week, there will also be an additional 20 minute activity focusing on previous learning. This will be from the wider curriculum and is aimed at reinforcing the essential knowledge taught through the curriculum.

Homework should take no more than 40 minutes each week (excluding reading).


A summary:

  • Read every day (at least 10 minutes a day).
  • Approximately 20 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars – a few short sessions would be more beneficial than one long one
  • One additional activity based on prior learning that should take no longer than 20 minutes.
  • Year 3 and Year 4 homework will be set on Friday and will due on the following Wednesday

