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Wider Opportunities 2023-2024

Year 3/4 Sports Day - 28th June 2024


What a fantastic Year 3 and 4 sports day we had at the end of June! The weather was perfect and allowed all children to perform and compete at their best. 

We had many events, with the overall winners being the Red Team. Class 12 won the Year 3 relay and C13 won the Year 4 relay 🏆 

Year 4 ukulele performance - 4th July 2024

Class 15 showcased their fantastic learning in their Ukulele lessons.

EYFS Sports Day - 12th June 2024

What a fab sports day EYFS had! The weather was great and the support was amazing. Thank you so much to everyone that took time out of their day to cheer us on. Congratulations to Class 1 on a very close relay win! 🏆

Year 5/6 Sports Day - 4th June 2024


We had a lovely morning for Year 5/6 Sports Day and the rain stayed away for us! Well done to Class 16 and Class 20 who won the hotly contested class relays.

Year 1 Sports Day - 9th May 2024


Last week, the sun shone for our Year 1 Sports Day. It was an amazing sporting event. All the children tried their very best and were absolute sports superstars!  Activities included bean bag toss, obstacle course, hurdles and of course, the famous class relay race! 

Congratulations to Class 5 for winning the trophy 🏆 we are so proud of you all! 
Thank you to parents/carers for coming along and supporting your children.

Year 3 Mini Medics - 24th April 2024
🧸 🚨 🤩 ⛑️ 🧸 🚨 🤩 🚨 🧸 ⛑️ 🤩 🚨 🧸

Our curriculum is more than the subjects set out in the National Curriculum. We place equal focus on thinking about the 'extras' that children might need to lead happy, healthy and successful lives. 

Year 3 had such a great day on Wednesday  taking part in basic First Aid training, known as 'Mini-Medics'. The children now know all about DR ABC. They practiced the recovery position on their friends and CPR on their teddies. 


Year 3 behaved brilliantly and had so much fun. A big thank you to Craig (React First Aid Training) for our sessions - the children cannot wait to learn more in Year 6!

STEM sessions with UWE - March 2024

Over the last few weeks, our fantastic 2nd year undergraduate students have visited their classes for a day and led STEM sessions, supported by engineering students.


The children had a wonderful time. Here are a few highlights from Key Stage 1.

Year 1 had a fantastic time learning all about engineers and how they design and build stable structures. The children enjoyed exploring and testing the materials, planning their structures and testing if their structures were secure! We saw some very impressive structures!


In Year 2 the children had a lovely day developing their engineering skills designing and built bridges as teams. They looked great!

Year 3 Multisports - 29th January 2024

Our Year 3 athletes enjoyed competing at the North Somerset Multisports event and were fantastic ambassadors for Mendip Green.

Year 3/4 Christmas Multiskills Event - 13th December 2023 

Year 3 and 4 were incredible during the Christmas multiskills festival, last week. They participated in a variety of events including Molkky, Cornhill and Boccia. They were all great representatives of Mendip Green.

ELAN Cyanotype Art Project - 15th November 2023


This is our second art project led and funded by Sidcot School. This Year we chose Year 3, and 30 children were selected to take part.

The children worked with our art lead, Mrs Lock, supported by our own in-house artist (of reading record fame), Mrs Hayward, for a number of sessions in school. The focus of the project was photography where the children used sunlight to develop their images.


On Wednesday, the children visited Sidcot School for an art exhibition and workshop. The children were able to see their work displayed in a real art gallery and enjoy seeing the work of the children from the other ELAN schools. They loved watching the reactions of the other schools as they came across Mendip’s exhibition.


Sidcot staff led a workshop for the children where they explored colouring techniques. If that was not enough, they were all given a carton of squash and a cookie roughly the size of their face!


A huge thank you to all of the adults who supported this project both at Sidcot and at Mendip, making it possible for the children to have this opportunity. An extra thank you to Mrs Lock who has worked tirelessly to exploit every second of sunshine in what has been a VERY soggy couple of months.

Year 3 and 4 Football Tournament - 25th September 

Today it was the turn of the girls and boys in Years 3 and 4 to participate in an ELAN football tournament. The sun shone and they had an amazing time playing against the other schools in our trust.

Year 5/6 Football Tournament - 18th September 2023

What a fantastic start to our  sporting year ! During this morning's football tournament, Year 5/6 boys played magnificently and WON their group. They were an absolute pleasure to take to the tournament and were praised for their positive behaviour and setting a good example.

