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Mendip Green Primary School

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Goodwill at Mendip Green

We know that the cost of the weekly shop is going up at the moment and it is likely that energy prices are going to rise significantly in the coming months.


We are engaging with local supermarkets and Weston Foodbank to ensure that our ‘Goodwill Shelf’ is fully-stocked and ready to support our families.


If you are struggling to make ends meet, or you know somebody who is, PLEASE take whatever you need.


The shelf is in our entrance foyer and accessible from 7.15am to 6pm. No questions asked. Just turn up and fill some bags.


We are also able to support families by:

- helping you apply for Free School Meals

- providing Foodbank vouchers

- supporting with uniform

- offering payment plans and support for trips and events


If it is easier, you can email


Your email will be seen by a limited number of pastoral staff, who will treat it with confidence. We can even deliver food to your house if it helps.


PLEASE don’t struggle alone or think that someone else’s need is greater. We have enough resources to support everybody.



