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Mendip Green Primary School

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Reporting Child Absence

In the event of self-isolation or social distancing, please contact the school as normal, either by phone or by leaving a voicemail on our absence line. Please state clearly whether you are self-isolating or social distancing:

- Self-isolating: this is for all children who are showing symptoms or who have someone in their household showing symptoms. Latest guidance asks for this to be for 14 days.

- Social-distancing: this is for children who are in the 'high risk' category or who have a member of their household who is 'high risk'.  Please look at guidance and decide whether this is the right course of action for your child and family.


To reduce the traffic going through our system, parents/carers DO NOT need to call daily to report self-isolation or social-distancing. Please call on the first day and state clearly whether you are self-isolating or social-distancing. We will then mark your child as absent (this will be for 14 calendar days in the case of self-isolation).


Please note that any absence due to self-isolation and social-distancing will be coded accordingly. Please can we request that all parents/carers act responsibly and in line with government guidance when managing pupil absence.

