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Mendip Green Primary School

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Year 6

We have spoken with our Year 6 children today and wanted to update you on what has been said:
We are going to treat the next two days as ‘normal’ school days. We will not be taking part in shirt or hoodie signing at this stage. The children do not need the additional emotional strain of considering these as their last days in primary school, especially as this may not be the case.
We have agreed that we are a team. Most of us started this journey 7 years ago in EYFS and we intend to finish it TOGETHER. We are not going to say goodbye with teammates missing.
We will not end Mendip Green with a whimper.
We have not yet spoken to local secondaries but we are confident that if school closure takes us beyond the end of the school year, they will support us in allowing the children some time to come together for graduation etc.
Please be assured, as we posted yesterday, that during these extraordinary times, extraordinary efforts will be made to support our Y6 children.

